Media types
Here is the new location of our
stock keyword research tool.
Don't worry, it's still free ;) is a tool that helps stock photo/video/... producers to upload their assets to multiple agencies from their Dropbox account.
Instead of uploading files multiple times through error-prone FTP connections and wasting time and bandwidth, just sync your files with Dropbox and everything will be distributed automagically!
On you can also find a machine learned model to generate keywords from your asset title or description and even automate this with CSV batching!
We built this tool to help micro stock contributors to find better keywords for their images, vector files and videos.
To do this, we have analyzed statistics and keywords of 30+ million images, vector files and videos and allow you to extract useful insights
out of this database.
You can filter by file type, search for keywords and phrases and filter by sales.
For the resulting files, we show you how well these sell on average, giving you a first idea about the market.
But we don't stop there.
We extract the most common keywords from those images, vectors and videos and gather statistics for each subset!
Want to find the most common office stock motives? Search for office and go through the keywords.
They are sorted by freqency, so you'll find the most generic stock images on top and the lower you go, the "nichier" it becomes.
You'll also quickly find out, that the keyword "pc" sells way less than "computer" or "laptop", something you might want to keep in mind when
choosing your keywords!
Speaking of chosing keywords, you can easily select and unselect keywords by clicking on them. Once you have your collection made up,
click the blue copy - button on top. You'll see the chosen keywords ready for a last quick editing and with a second click you have them in your
clipboard, ready to be inserted into your image's metadata keyword field in the correct format.
Even the keyword order is already optimized, going from generic terms to more specific ones, based on the frequency of those keywords in the context of your search!
Our analysis on 30+ million images, vectors and videos very clearly shows a correlation of keywords and sales. The more keywords, the more sales.
Of course, those keywords have to be relevant for the stock agencies and your potential buyers.
Chosing irrelevant keywords will only hurt your sales since potential buyers will generate views but no sales, causing agencies search engines
to rank your pictures lower in the end.